API Documentation
Resume Parse API
The Resume Parse API extracts key information from resumes (PDF, DOCX, TXT) and structures it into searchable data. It automates recruitment by identifying contact details, work experience, education, and skills, enhancing hiring efficiency and improving talent management.
Authentication token that must be included in the request headers for authentication purposes. The client must securely store and manage this token, which is required to access protected API endpoints. The token should be sent in the following format:
token: <your-token-here>
Security Requirements:
The client is responsible for securely storing the token, using secure mechanisms (e.g., encrypted storage)
Do not hardcode or expose the token in client-side code or publicly accessible files
The server will return a 401 Unauthorized error if
The token is missing, expired, or invalid
The token does not meet the required policy for the requested resource
URL of the file to be parsed, File Type should be either pdf, txt, doc or docx, No other formats allowed. URL to the file should be either from private server or from google drive and should be accessible
{}"resume": "{RESUME_URL}"
Sample Request
curl -X POST https://apis.whitetable.ai/resume-H 'token: {AUTH_TOKEN}'-H 'Content-Type: application/json'-d {"resume":"{RESUME_URL}"}
Sample Response
CONTENT TYPEapplication/json
{}"resume":{}"About":{,}"Name": "Ashok Kumar","Mobile": "+91 9876543210","Email": "ashokkumar@whitetable.ai","Linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashokkumar/","About": "Bio About Ashok Kumar","TotalWorkExperience": 1"WorkExperience":[,]{}"ID": 1,"Title": "Software Development Engineer","Company": "Panscience Innovations","Location":{,}"City": "New Delhi","Country": "India""Experience": null,"Skills":[,]"Data Migration","Data Pipeline","SAAS Development""Type": "Full-Time","Timeline":{,}"Start": "October 2023","End": "Present""Description":[]"Parchaa: Migrated user data from EFS to RDS. Handled document upload sync to Database.","Data Pipeline: Built data pipeline for processing data using json based configuration and Apache airflow.","GoodHire: Led the development on building a SAAS platform which will be a handy tool for Human ResourceDepartment for hiring people.""Projects":[,]{}"ID": 1,"Title": "Vaccine Supply Chain Management System","Client": null,"Company": null,"Role": null,"Location": null,"Duration": null,"Skills":[,]"Smart Contracts","Web3","Payment System""Timeline": null,"Description":[]"Created several Smart Contracts to interact with the Ehereum Blockchain Network. Implemented Truffle to deploy the smartcontracts. Implemented Web3js to integrate the data retrieved from Blockchain Network to the frontend. ImplementedPayment System using Ethers.""Publications":[],"Education":[,]{}"ID": 1,"College": "National Institute of Technology, Patna","Degree": "Bachelor of Technology","Course": "Computer Science and Engineering","Timeline":{,}"Start": "August 2019","End": "June 2023""Duration": 48,"CGPA": 8.24"CandidateOverall":{,}"Skills":[,]"Java","Kotlin","Python","C/C++","JavaScript","Ruby","SQL""LookingFor": null,"Hobbies": null,"Extracurriculars": null,"Awards": null,"Achievements":[,]"Google HashCode 2021:Global Rank - 2498, All India Rank - 591, College Rank - 1","Leetcode:Knight at leetcode with currently a rating of 2000+","Codechef: 4 star at Codechef with currently a rating of 1900+","Codeforces:Specialist at Codeforces with currently a rating of 1400+""Certificates": null"Weblinks":[]{}"Platform": "LinkedIn","Link": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashokkumar/"