API Documentation
Generate Standard Questions API
This API endpoint generates a standard set of questions based on a job description (JD) and the interview round type
Authentication token that must be included in the request headers for authentication purposes. The client must securely store and manage this token, which is required to access protected API endpoints. The token should be sent in the following format:
token: <your-token-here>
Security Requirements:
The client is responsible for securely storing the token, using secure mechanisms (e.g., encrypted storage)
Do not hardcode or expose the token in client-side code or publicly accessible files
The server will return a 401 Unauthorized error if
The token is missing, expired, or invalid
The token does not meet the required policy for the requested resource
Number of questions to be generated (max 20 per request)
A string containing the job description, which the API uses to create relevant questions
A custom name assigned to the round for organizing and tracking purposes
Defines the focus of the interview round (see detailed explanations below)
Acceptable Values:
It determines the overall focus of the interview round. Each value corresponds to a different set of skills or areas of evaluation.
technical: Focuses on the technical expertise of the candidate, assessing their understanding of tools, technologies, or specific job-related knowledge
Use Case: Suitable for roles where technical proficiency is critical, such as marketing roles that require knowledge of data analytics or tools like Google Analytics
Example: How do you define key performance metrics for a marketing campaign?
deep_dive: Focuses on in-depth technical knowledge in specific areas. This round is meant to evaluate the candidate’s expertise and hands-on experience in particular tools, technologies, or strategies.
Use Case: For candidates expected to have specialized knowledge in tools like Salesforce or advanced SEO techniques
Example: Can you describe your approach to automating marketing tasks?
problem_solving: Tests the candidate's ability to approach and solve complex problems. This assesses critical thinking, analytical skills, and real-world decision-making abilities
Use Case: Roles where adaptability and problem-solving are key, such as in sales or business development
Example: Describe a time when you had to pivot a strategy to meet KPIs under tight constraints
non_technical: Focuses on soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and interpersonal abilities. It evaluates how the candidate handles non-technical responsibilities and interactions
Use Case: Used for roles where client communication or team collaboration is central, such as account management or sales roles
Example: How do you communicate technical details to non-technical clients?
pre_screening: A round designed to assess whether the candidate meets basic qualifications and fits the initial criteria for the job
Use Case: Useful in the early stages of recruitment to filter candidates based on minimal requirements
Example: Do you have experience managing email marketing campaigns?
cultural_fit: Assesses whether the candidate aligns with the company’s culture and values. Questions will probe into teamwork, adaptability, and how well the candidate will fit within the organizational culture
Use Case: Often used to assess potential hires for roles in dynamic or tightly-knit teams
Example: What work environment helps you thrive?
dsa: This round focuses on evaluating the candidate's knowledge of Data Structures & Algorithms. Primarily used for technical roles like software development or data science
Use Case: Used when evaluating software engineers or data scientists
Example: Explain how you would optimize a given algorithm for faster performance
The focus_area parameter allows you to fine-tune the interview questions generated by the API. It narrows down the broader evaluation set defined by the round_type and focuses on specific areas of expertise
If not specified, the API will generate questions based on the default focus for the selected round_type. If specified, the focus area allows a deeper or more refined assessment in specific domains
Example of focus_area Values (Based on round_type):
For round_type "technical": Overall technical aspects
For round_type "deep_dive": Depth of knowledge
For round_type "problem_solving": Problem-solving skills and critical thinking
For round_type "non_technical": Non-technical aspects
For round_type "pre_screening": Basic requirements fit
For round_type "cultural_fit": Cultural aspect
For round_type "dsa": Algorithms
"round_name": "{ROUND_NAME}",
"round_type": "{ROUND_TYPE}",
"focus_area": "{FOCUS_AREA}"
Question API 2 - Personalized Questions
Sample Request
curl -X POST https://apis.whitetable.ai/questions/rounds
-H 'token: {AUTH_TOKEN}'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d {"noq":"{NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS}","jd":"{JOB_DESCRIPTION}","round_name":"{ROUND_NAME}","round_type":"{ROUND_TYPE}","focus_area":"{FOCUS_AREA}"}
Sample Response
"Tell me a little bit about yourself and your journey as a Frontend Developer.",
"Looking back at your experience with Cogoport, what accomplishment are you most proud of and why?",
"This role requires a strong understanding of VueJS or React. Can you describe your experience with these frameworks and elaborate on any specific projects where you leveraged their strengths?",
"Can you walk me through your process of building a reusable component in React, considering aspects like state management, props, and testing?",
"Our application heavily relies on efficient DOM manipulation. How would you optimize a component for performance if you notice slow rendering or interactions?",
"Describe your experience with CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS and how they benefit large-scale frontend development.",
"How do you stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in frontend technologies?",
"Explain your approach to writing unit tests for your frontend code. What tools or frameworks do you prefer, and how do you ensure adequate test coverage?",
"Security is paramount in our applications. How would you handle sensitive user data within a frontend application to prevent vulnerabilities like XSS attacks?"
"When you see a problem in the world, and perhaps you are the only one who does, take the initiative to be the solution."
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